Oxfilé på grönsaksbädd med cognacsdoftande pepparsås
Fillet of beef on a bed of vegetables and peppar sauce with a hint of cognac
Fillet of beef on a bed of vegetables and peppar sauce with a hint of cognac
Grilled fillet of pork on a bed of vegetables with gorgonzola sauce + Valfri potatis / potato of your choice
Välj mellan kycklingfilé, fläskfilé och laxfilé. Serveras med grillat potatismos och valfri sås – bearnaise, gorgonzola eller hollandaise.
Fillet of veal with bacon and madeirasauce + Valfri potatis / potato of your choice
Fillets of beef and pork with bearnaise- and red wine sauce + friterad potatis / fried potatoes